
Helping to protect our planet.

Environmental consideration is at the forefront of our business and therefore we are committed to minimising any adverse effects that may result from our activities.

Through risk management we will identify aspects of our operations that pose a risk to the environment and enact necessary procedures to control and minimise these impacts. Legal compliance is regarded as the minimum standard that must be achieved at all times and thus we act in accordance with the standards of organisations to which we subscribe.

Noesis communicates the requirements of its Environmental Policy to all employees. We proactively promote this to all individuals involved via thorough consultation as we are committed to the prevention of pollution and the resultant improvement to our environmental performance.

Periodic reviews are taken to ensure our methods and implementation confirm to all standards and if necessary additionally steps are taken to safeguard our environmental objectives via the provisioning of essential resources and training.

Key members of our team are assigned direct responsibility in ensuring the protocols and standards are adhered to with the business.

For further information, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.